Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Class XI, ENGLISH, "Articles"

1. ______ apple ______ day keeps ______ doctor away. (An, a, the)

2. He has gone to ______ hospital for ______ operation. (The, an)

3. He is ______ honourable man. (An)

4. ______ bird can fly very high in ______ sky.(a, the)

5. Space travel has now become ______ reality.(a)

6. John is ______ only student who didn’t pass ______ test.(The,the)

7. I plan to buy ______ expensive camera.(An)

8. He will leave after ______ day or two.(A)

9. ______ old gardener is watering ______ plants.(An,the)

10. He is always helpful to ______ people.(The)

11. I want ______ glass of milk.(A)

12. Ahmed is ______ tallest boy of the class.(The)

13. There is ______ fly in ______ ointment.(A,the)

14. She is ______ honourable woman.(An)

15. For ______ first time on a trip, we had ______ difference of opinion as to how ______ best, this should be done for ______ better result.(The,the,the)

16. At ______ little distance from ______ college, there is ______ old building in which ______ honest and hardworking man lives on ______ top floor.(A,the,an,an,the)

17. He is ______ very brilliant boy.(A)

18. They are ______ best out of the whole lot.(The)

19. There is ______ shop round the corner.(A)

20. I must have ______ extra key for the front door.(An)

21. He broke ______ leg in the skiing accident. It’s still in the plaster.(A)

22. Quaid-e-Azam was ______ honourable man.(An)

23. ______ independence of United States of America dates from ______ 4th of July, 1776.(The,the)

24. ___the___ sun went down below the horizon.(The)

25. ______ stitch in time saves time.(A)

26. ______man is mortal.(The)

27. Honesty is ______ best policy.(The)

28. I saw Ahmed in ______ hotel. I saw him ______ hour ago.(A,an)

29. The more you work, ______ better will your result.(The

30. They received ______ telegram in the after noon.(A)

31. He worked hard, as he had ______ object to work for.(An)

32. You should eat ______ apple ______ day.(An,a)

33. My hen laid ______ egg Yesterday.(An)

34. ______ few of then manged to touch ______ shore.(A,the)

35. ______ indus has flooded ______ village.(The,a)

36. ______ apple has ______ sweet taste.(An,a)

37. the knife is made of ______ metal.(A)

38. He is ______ M.A in English.(An)

39. Iron is ______ metal.(A)

40. A red and ______ white cow are grazing in the field.(A)

41. ______ sky was dark and it seemed that ______ storm was coming.(The,a)

42. I need ______ umbrella.(An)

43. ______ Ravi is not ______ longest river in Pakistan.(The,the)

44. ______ dust man comes only a week.(The)

45. Karachi is ______ biggest city in Pakistan.(The)

46. ______ Quran is a holy book.(The)

47. ______ Jhelum is a big river.(The)

48. Man is ______ mortal being.(A)

49. The lady was clad in ______ black bruqa.(A)

50. The lion is ______ noble beast.(A)

51. We started late in ______ afternoon.(The)

52. ______ Indus is a great river.(The)

53. Quran is sacred book of ______ Muslims.(The)

54. ______ horse is a useful animal.(The)

55. ______ luggage is on ______ platform.(The,the)

56. He showed ______ courage worthy of ______ old man.(A,an)

57. I cannot forget ______ kindness with which he treated me.(The)

58. I went to ______ hospital to see my uncle.(The)

59. Copper is ______ useful metal.(A)

60. I have ______ black and ______ white dog.(A,a)

61. ______ more I think about the idea ______ less like it.(The,the)

62. I should like ______ house in ______ country.(A,the)

63. ______ rich are happy.(The)

64. Which is ______ longest river in Pakistan?(The)

65. I hae been ill for ______ last two days.(The)

66. ______ honest man is ______ noblest work of God.(An,the)

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